
Publication Support Services

We will find the right journal of one’s choice. These are just a few of the backend services we offer. Designed to help you navigate the open-access world. Is there more work for us as the market evolves? Sure, but we believe we are on the right track. We welcome the opportunity to share your experience in more detail.

Today, the entire publishing industry scenario has changed, making it very difficult for publishers to maintain magazines and conferences. Therefore, they were able to sell or publish their magazines with the help of our publishing support. Publishers who need our publishing support and we will guide you. We appreciate the opportunity to share our experience in more detail. With back-end support for journal publishing, we provide the best platform for discontinued and unprofitable magazines. We will help you collaborate with other journals; giving them better visibility and helping them earn stable fame in the academic world. You have to trust us, and we will serve you with confidence.

If you want to think outside the box and grow your ideas and publishing business, we can help.

We offer the following services:

✔  Editorial Board

✔  Manuscript Formatting

✔  Peer Reviewing

✔  DOI Support Services

✔  ISSN Support Services

✔  ISBN SupportServices

Our Services

Editorial Board
Manuscript Formatting
Peer Reviewing
DOI Support Services
ISSN Support
ISBN Support

Journals Development Services

National Institute of STEM Research (NISTEMR) creates educational materials for a wide range of international publishers and organizations. In order to meet the specific needs of our customers, we have assembled a team of experts in the fields of both interactive journal development and the provision of the services listed below.

Journal Acquisition
Article Submissions & Promotion
Journal contributors
                   Tie-up with Institute
Special Issue Proposal