DOIs make research outputs easier to find, cite, link, and assess, and they improve scholarly communications.
A digital object identifier (DOI) is a serial code used to uniquely identify objects. The DOI system is particularly used for electronic documents such as journal articles. The DOI system began in 2000. Metadata about the object is stored in association with the DOI name. It may include a location, such as a URL, where the object can be found. Digital online and virtual libraries are the storehouses of knowledge, as they maintain the journals, published articles, books, and other knowledge resources available. However, with the advent of digital technology and Internet connectivity, the library scenario is changing fast. Digital technology, Internet connectivity, and physical content can be dovetailed, resulting in a digital library. Data available in physical form has been preserved digitally in the Digital Library. Digital libraries can enhance access to information and knowledge. They also Bridge barriers of time and space. In the past initiatives have been taken by different Ministries / Departments/organizations for digitizing and preserving data available in physical form. However, this activity has been restricted mostly to the areas of work and interest of the organization. The Digital Online Organization (DOI) is a database system that essentially deals with digital and virtual libraries.
The journal should manage the entire publishing process, from the submission of manuscripts to final publication, within the Academic Platform system.
According to the agreement between Academic Platform and the journals, the journals acknowledge and undertake that the articles are original and have not been published elsewhere. In the contrary case, the editor of journal and the author of the article take the responsibility.
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