Editorial Board

Every journal has a different submission structure, and our specialists will format your research in accordance with the guidelines for authors of your desired publication. A cover letter for a journal submission addressed to the editor will also be written by our specialist.

The company also has a team of dynamic acquisition editors, an owner, and a scholar. They strive to develop a NISTEMR publishing programme in their respective subject areas, commissioning high-quality projects of topical interest and strong scientific value, fully accruing and optimally utilizing their professional knowledge and expertise in the process.

Members of the journal’s editorial board must have unfettered discretion over whether or not to accept submitted articles, follow the publisher-mandated rules for the peer review process, and provide convincing justification for the roles they play. The editor’s job, then, is to improve and broaden the survey and classification of possible publications. When there are shifts in the field of scholarly research, editors should make sure the journal’s original goals, scope, and content are rewritten to reflect the new reality.

To guarantee the quality of all of our publications, we use a staff of seasoned production editors. Our assemblers’ familiarity with cutting-edge production methods is maintained by regular upgrades and in-depth professional training. They keep abreast of advancements in their fields by attending major conferences all over the world, where they meet writers and potential partners.

According to our editorial guidelines, we encourage you to provide us with unique content that has not been submitted elsewhere.

Why Choose Us

We believe that editing, like writing, is a living skill that must be consistently developed, practiced, and refined. Documents are not just a list of words and sentences. Beyond correcting grammatical errors and recommending writing style, our editor takes context into account. You can count on NISTEMR Proofreading to provide you with excellent editing and proofreading services that will make your paper error-free.

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